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The module datasource.loki allows get data from sources, which support query language LogQL by Grafana Loki

See more about Loki

local loki = require('datasource.loki.<NAME_FROM_CONFIG>')



query('<QUERY>'[, <QUERY_OPTIONS>]) result, error

Instant Query

A result format:

        lables = {
            <LABEL_NAME> = <LABEL_VALUE>,
        entries = {
                timestamp = <TIMESTAMP>,
                line = <VALUE>

The options:

    time = <TIME RFC3339|Timestamp> -- Evaluation timestamp
    direction = [backward|forward]  -- Determines the sort order of logs. Supported values are forward or backward. Defaults to backward
    limit = <NUMBER>                -- The max number of entries to return

For example:

local loki = require('')

local res, err = loki.query('{service="srv1"}')
if err ~= nil then

-- results:
        labels = {
            service = srv1
            level = 1
        entries = {
                timestamp = 1581934085
                line = 'Log line'
        labels = {
            service = srv1
            level = 2
        entries = {
                timestamp = 1581934085
                line = 'Log line'


range('<QUERY>'[, <QUERY_OPTIONS>]) result, error

Range Query

Result format same as query result

The options:

    start = <TIME RFC3339|Timestamp>    -- start time
    end = <TIME RFC3339|Timestamp>      -- end time
    step = <NUMBER>                     -- Query resolution step width in duration format or float number of seconds
    direction = [backward|forward]      -- Determines the sort order of logs. Supported values are forward or backward. Defaults to backward
    limit = <NUMBER>                    -- The max number of entries to return